Following a successful pilot in 2024, LSE DTP has launched the 2025 Community Coaching Programme, led by experienced coach Kate Tapper. This is an opportunity open to ESRC funded students within the wider DTP network!
The programme is a peer-led coaching programme that will help you make the best of your 2025, achieve your goals, stay on track, and make meaningful connections with colleagues at a similar career stage. As it is a completely online programme, you only require access to Zoom and be available on the dates below to participate. Below is testimony from a student who participated last year, who found the programme extremely useful and enjoyable:
‘While a PhD can be a lonely experience, the community coaching programme sought to break that. I really loved sharing with other colleagues and learning about our shared struggles, and our desires to make progress in our PhD. Kate shared with us great tools to reclaim our time (that I still to use). I loved the coaching on seeking and receiving feedback, how to say no (which is a hard one for most of us PhD students), and how to prioritise things that matter (our research and ourselves – health, family etc) was really helpful. Also, the huge resources that they share, and the practical ways that Kate made us apply those resources in each session, meant that it wasn’t just theoretical.’
The programme requires attendance at five coaching sessions from February to June. The sessions will be held on these dates, each will be from 10am – 12:30pm (GMT):
- Session 1 - Wednesday 5 February 2025
- Session 2 - Wednesday 12 March 2025
- Session 3 - Thursday 24 April 2025
- Session 4 - Wednesday 28 May 2025
- Session 5 - Wednesday 25 June 2025
Each session will have its own theme and be focused on practical skills as well as supporting each other to achieve your goals!
The sign up form can be accessed HERE and will be open until 12pm, 12 January 2025, afterwards we pass on the details of applicants to Kate who will be in contact with you to provide further information. You will also be sent an information pack along with material for the programme, and some other goodies, by Kate when your application is confirmed! If there are any questions, then please do let us know at, subject ‘Community Coaching 2025’.