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Community Action recognises all volunteering and has a collection of award and accreditation schemes for those who have been involved with volunteering. This means, in addition to gaining skills, meeting new people and working hard you will have something extra to put on your CV. 

Registered volunteers can be recognised through the following schemes and awards


Runnymede Volunteer Awards. 

This takes place annually at the end of term three, where recognition is given to volunteers through a variety of presentations and awards.Once again this year we will be joining with Voluntary Support North Surrey and Runnymede Borough Council to host the Runnymede Volunteer Awards at Royal Holloway during national Volunteers' Week. The event on Tuesday 31st May 2016 is supported by British Airways.

The Mayor of Runnymede sponsors the 'Student Volunteer of the Year', with the presentation of the Mayor's Cup, and the Community Action Cup is awarded to 'Volunteering Group of the Year'. As an approved V award provider we also present vawards at this time of year. This is a great end to the volunteering calendar, and is definitely something to work towards.



Get recognised


Vinspired award


Royal Holloway Passport Award


DofE Award

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