Feb 14 2019

At this time of year, it's worth assessing how many Passport Points you've collected so far and what you can do to complete your Passport Award. Wouldn't it be great to complete, collect your certificate and be able to add the award to your CV and LinkedIn profile by the end of the academic year! You may even decide to go for gold and secure the Passport Gold Award. You can hear more from History graduate Megan Filkins and Physics student Abi Russell.

The completion process of the award involves an online 'Completion Session' and requires you to consider what skills you learned while collecting points, so that you can then add these skills to your CV and are able to share these skills and how you learned them to employers when making applications and in interviews.

Perhaps you can do some online Passport Challenges, or add points from your involvement in different activities across the College and your part-time job.

Find out more.