Jan 14 2025

I am delighted to announce the appointment of Professor Emma Mayhew as Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education & Student Experience). Emma joins us on 7 April 2025, and will build on the excellent work done by Professor Wyn Morgan during his interim appointment to this role. Emma brings a wealth of experience to Royal Holloway from her current role at the University of Surrey, where she is Professor of Pedagogy in Politics and the Associate Dean (Education) for the Faculty of Arts, Business and Social Sciences.

Having served as Interim Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education) in 2023-24, she has held responsibility for key, strategic university initiatives around student satisfaction – not least of which, the National Student Survey, in which Surrey has seen extraordinary improvements in recent years. She is also a Principal Fellow of the HEA and a National Teaching Fellow.

This role is fundamental in bringing brilliant and diverse cohorts of students to Royal Holloway and helping them to thrive here, providing them with outstanding education opportunities and student experience. I know Emma will bring energy and expertise to our community, as well as real commitment to our values and mission as we move forwards with RH2030s and our work as a University of Social Purpose.

I’m sure colleagues will join me in thanking to Wyn for all he has done in this area over the past few months, and in extending a warm welcome to Emma when she arrives.


Professor Julie Sanders, Vice-Chancellor and Principal