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Acceptable Reasons for Absence


As Authorised Absence Requests require approval, they will be reviewed on a case by case basis. The following table gives examples of the kind of circumstances where absence may be deemed as ‘acceptable’ and ‘unacceptable’. This is for general guidance; it does not represent an exhaustive list. 

If you have further questions about an absence, contact the Attendance Team at




  • Illness.
  • Hospitalisation.
  • Out-patients appointment (where possible you should try to make any appointment outside of your class commitments).
  • Doctor or dental appointment (where possible you should try to make any appointments outside of your class commitments).
  • Documented personal problems.
  • Illness of dependent or family member (until other arrangements can be made).
  • Bereavement.
  • Severe transport problems (e.g. severe disruption of train travel due to signalling failure or track problems, or major traffic incident on motorways, which can be verified by online or newspaper reports).
  • Mandatory Court attendance.
  • Victim of crime.
  • Professional Development (relating to interviews, applicant or taster days for employment after graduation).
  • Representing College/county/ country at a significant or prestigious event or sporting event, e.g. a concert or an athletics championship.
  • Oversleeping.
  • Misreading the timetable.
  • Paid employment and/or voluntary work.
  • IT and/or computer problems.
  • Minor transport problems e.g. being stuck in normal rush hour traffic, not permitting enough time in travel plans for minor unanticipated delays, missed public transport.
  • Vacations.
  • Family celebrations.
  • Weddings.
  • Accommodation issues, e.g. moving house.
  • Extra-curricular sports activities.
  • Driving test.
  • Lack of awareness of attendance and engagement requirements and University Policies and Regulations in this regard.