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Forms and Supporting Evidence


Completing the Absence form

The Absence form is submitted online.

1. Fill in the online form, ensuring all compulsory information is completed.

2. Once you have submitted your Absence form, you are required to monitor the progress of your request by checking this page. Student Administration will request evidence, where required.

3. If evidence is required, Student Administration will request you to upload supporting evidence by changing the status of your absence request on the Absence page. You will need to have electronic copies of the evidence available.

4. Please allow 5 working days for Notified Absence to be processed. Authorised Absence requests may take longer. If the Authorised Absence request is more than 10 working days, we will liaise with your School on approval. You can see the progress of your Absence request on the Absence page.

Please note: As part of this process Student Administration may need to contact you for further information related to your absence – this will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

Complete Absence Form


Supporting evidence

The following table gives examples of supporting evidence that you are required to provide with Authorised Absence Requests. Evidence must be dated and include your name. Please provide evidence in English or with a notarised translation. 





Formal Medical Certification signed by your GP or hospital consultant

Documented personal problems

Letter from someone, e.g. counsellor, who has direct knowledge of the problem and/or is involved in supporting you

Illness of dependent or family member

Medical Certification and statement explaining illness and why personal attention is necessary


Copy of death certificate, confirmation of funeral or burial arrangements or a note from family member to verify situation

Severe transport problem

A copy of online or newspaper reports on the problem 

Court attendance

Official correspondence from the Court confirming attendance requirement

Victim of crime

Statement of events, police report and crime reference number

Professional Development

Confirmation of invitation to interview, taster day etc.

Involvement in a significant/ prestigious event

Letter of invitation from the relevant organising body confirming the requirement to be available on specific dates, confirmation of travel and or event booking

Sport commitment at national/ county level

Official correspondence from the relevant sporting body confirming the requirement to be available on specific dates, confirmation of travel and/ or event booking