Phys Soc
The Royal Holloway Physics Society (RHPS) is a student society, which is not part of the Students’ Union but is a part of the Physics Department. You’ll automatically gain free membership to this illustrious society when you enrol. We encourage participation and any kind of contribution to the RHPS, whether you want to help run the society, organise social events or attend them. If you want to get involved, contact one of us to find out more.
What we do
The President is the figurehead of the society and it falls on them to have a dream for the RHPS at Royal Holloway, a mission to achieve, to maintain his/her committee and steer them toward maximum fun for all Physics students.
The Vice-President is in charge of all communications to the community including monthly emails, maintenance of the Facebook page, taking photos of all the events and making posters.
The Social Secretary (a.k.a Fun Master) thinks up new ideas for drinks, socials, new games, dress-up themes and discussion topics and makes sure they happen.
The Head of Astronomy consults with the department about the use of the telescope dome and is generally in the know about important astronomical events so that we can get a team up to the roof to watch it.
We also have a Postgraduate Rep as we don’t want our postgraduate students to feel excluded from the society. In fact, it’s quite the opposite as this position is a great opportunity to help boost the prestige of postgraduate research at Royal Holloway and to communicate with the wider Royal Holloway physics community. Join in and let us know how we can help you make things happen.