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Home > Fees & scholarships > How to pay your fees
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How to pay your fees

How your fees are paid to Royal Holloway will depend on who is paying the fees for your degree. 

Please select the tab below that is most relevant to you for information on how you can pay your tuition fees.

Both tuition and accommodation fees can be paid by the methods details below. Students can view invoices covering fees for the current academic year and make a payment at any time via the Money tab of Campus Connect.

Online payments by debit/credit card

When you make a payment via Campus Connect or Epay your payment record on the Student Portal will be updated the next working day. 

If you have not allocated your payment to any particular invoice your payment will be manually allocated in due course.

There are two routes online for paying fees:

  1. Epay (nine digit student number and date of birth required) suitable for payments by family members etc.
  2. Campus Connect (username and password required) for students only.

Please note: we do not accept American Express and Diners cards .

International Bank Transfers

Royal Holloway now offers a quick, safe and secure way to make international bank to bank transfers in partnership with Western Union:

  • Secure payment in local currency.
  • Exchange rate quote guaranteed and held for 72 hours.
  • The correct amount received for your fee payment at the College.
  • No expensive international bank charges.
  • Email confirmation from Western Union and Royal Holloway once payment received.
  • No difficulty in identifying your payment at the College.

Tuition and Royal Holloway accommodation fees can be paid via this service

Click here to make your fee payment in your local currency

Bank transfer within the UK

If you are making your payment by UK bank transfer please ensure your payment is processed by your bank at least five working days before your payment is due.

You can check your payment has been received on your payment record on the Money tab of Campus Connect.

The College bank details are:

Bank name:

Natwest Bank, Egham, Surrey, TW20 9EU

Sort code:

60 07 33

Account number:


Account name:



To ensure there is no delay in allocating your payment please ask your bank to quote:

  • Student's name.
  • Student's nine digit reference number.
  • What the payment is for (e.g tuition instalment, full fee, accommodation.)
  • And to make the transfer with all handling charges for the account of the remitter/payer.

Cheques or banker's draft

Cheques or banker's drafts may be sent by post (do not mail cash and/or travellers cheques). Please make cheques payable to 'Royal Holloway University of London' and send to:

Student Fees Office, Royal Holloway University of London, Egham, Surrey, TW20 0EX

Cheques must be drawn on a UK bank in GB sterling. We do not accept Eurocheques or cheques drawn on an overseas bank.

Please ensure you have written the student ID number on the reverse of the cheque and that it is posted at least five working days before an invoice due date.

Royal Holloway is recognised by a large number of scholarship bodies for sponsorship of students' courses.  You may alternatively have acquired sponsorship through your company or another funding body.

If a third party ,e.g government embassy, employer or recognised funding body (other than Student Finance England) , is paying part , or all, of your fees we must see the original letter confirming the level of your support, before you start your programme.

If, at enrolment, the online information is showing the full fee is payable by you, you should still complete online sign up but it will not be possible for you to complete your enrolment fully until a formal sponsor's guarantee to make payment to Royal Holloway has been seen and recorded by us.

You can either present your sponsor letter at enrolment or you can email a copy of the original letter to Student Administration. An invoice will then be issued to your sponsor once you are fully enrolled.

Please note that Royal Holloway does not produce sponsor invoices for accommodation fees. If a sponsor has agreed to pay the fees for your accommodation please forward a copy of the student invoice to them for payment. You can download a copy of the invoices for the current academic year from the finance tab of Campus Connect.


If you have a confirmed Professional Career Development Loan to cover the payment of your tuition fees you will need the following in order to complete enrolment:

  • A copy of the final loan agreement from your bank confirming the amount you have borrowed and the amount being paid direct to Royal Holloway. You can bring your agreement form with you to enrolment or you can email a copy to Student Fees.
  • An instalment agreement with Royal Holloway will be completed based on the information in the loan agreement from your bank.
  • If you are in employment your loan will usually cover 80 per cent of your tuition fees. You will need to be prepared to make the payment of the 20 per cent shortfall at enrolment.
  • The Course Start Notification for your bank can be completed at theStudent Services Centre or email the paperwork to the Student Services Centre team. Please note that submitting the Course Start Notification form on it's own to Royal Holloway is not sufficient information to complete enrolment.

Click here for details on Professional Career Development Loans and how to apply .

If you have an approved Postgraduate Loan, the Student Loan Company will pay the funds to your bank account once Royal Holloway has confirmed your registration on an eligible course. You are therefore a self-funded student and will need to make a fee payment in order to enrol.

If you are planning to use your loan to pay your tuition fees you must forward a copy of the approved loan confirmation to the Student Fees Team before you can complete enrolment. You also need to have returned your signed declaration form to the SLC.

If the loan amount you are receiving each year is equal to or more than your fees for the year you will be permitted to complete enrolment , your registration will be confirmed to the SLC and your tuition fees will be split in to 3 equal instalments in line with the loan payments due to you.  

If you are eligible to receive the Alumni Discount, this will be allocated to the first instalment.

Please note the fees for each year must be paid in full before continuing onto the next year if you are on a 2 year course.

If your fees are higher than the maximum loan entitlement per year then you will be expected to pay the shortfall before your registration is confirmed to the SLC. The balance of your tuition fee, covered by the loan, will be split in to 3 equal instalments in line with the loan payments due to you.

If you have applied for something other than the maximum amounts and do not fall into either of the categories above, then you must pay 50% of your fees at enrolment and the balance at the start of term 2.

Receiving your loan

Once you have completed registration at the university, we will contact the Student Loans Company to confirm this and your payment will be released within 2-5 working days of this confirmation being sent.

Please note that this process will ONLY release payment if you have returned your Signed Declaration form to the SLC confirming that you accept the Terms and Conditions of the loan. It takes them about 10 working days to process your declaration once you send it in, so please ensure you allow sufficient time for this.

Click here for more information on Postgraduate Fees and Funding

Contact us

For further information on paying your tuition fees, please contact:

Email: Student-Fees


Click here for a quick guide on How to Pay your fees PDF


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