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Home > Fees & scholarships > Living expenses
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Living expenses

In addition to your tuition fees, you will need to budget for living expenses.  These are difficult to estimate as they vary from student to student depending on individual lifestyle and circumstances.

However, for most students, accommodation costs make up the largest proportion of their expenditure. 

Please bear in mind that whilst rental prices for on-campus accommodation are not in every case cheaper than off-campus, when renting off-campus you may have to pay extra for utility bills, such as electricity, gas, and water.

Also, at the start of your study period your expenses will be higher as you will be buying one-off items, such as a return flight, kitchen utensils, electrical equipment, television licence, bedding, books, insurance, and the visa renewal fee.   

If you require any further advice on these or other financial matters, please contact the Student Finance Team (MoneyMatters@royalholloway.ac.uk).

The following is a rough estimate of the basic living costs you can expect to spend each week.  


38 weeks

Accommodation - Campus

(based on 38 week contract)

£3,500 - £6,600 per year

Food & Household

£40 - £60 per week


£20 per week

(depending on where you live)

Books & Equipment

£300 - £450 per year

Entertainment/Social, Clothing, Personal Items

£50 per week

(depending on the indiviuals lifestyle)


£7,980 - £11,990

 **Students choosing to live in private accommodation may be required to commit to a 52-week contract and therefore may need to budget for 52 weeks of accommodation costs**


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