Step one: Online Sign-up
All continuing students are required to complete Online Sign-up.
To complete Online Sign-up, you'll need to follow the steps below:
Log into Campus Connect ( on a PC or laptop with your username and password. Your username will be your email address in the username format for example: (not your name format).
From the 'Home' screen, scroll down and find the 'Online Sign-up' card. Click on 'Complete Online Sign-up'.
Select 2024/25 academic year from the drop-down menu and click 'Submit'.
Complete each stage and remember to click 'Save and Proceed' at the bottom of each page.
Once you’ve completed Online Sign-up, a message will appear on the screen confirming this. You can then go back to the 'Home' screen and scroll down to find the 'Start of Session Checklist' card. The checklist should update and the Online Sign-up step will show as completed.
Postgraduate reseach students need to complete Online Sign-up at the start of the new academic year in September, irrespective of your start date. For example, if you started your programme in February, you'll be expected to sign up each September for the coming academic year and not on the anniversary of your start date.