On track: Bitesize Media Briefing
What is it?
A lunchtime media training session hosted by Michael Parker of The Conversation and Tony Henderson, Interim Head of Media and PR at Royal Holloway, University of London.
This interactive bitesize media training session will help you to feel confident about promoting your research and expertise through external media to the public and key audiences. On the agenda will be:
- Introduction to The Conversation and the benefits for academics
- How to write for a public audience
- Discover what elements of research and expertise could interest the public audience and how to communicate it
- Media angles and different types of approaches to achieving coverage
The Royal Holloway Media and PR team will introduce themselves and explain what they can do for you and how to work with them. They will outline why you should engage with the media, what journalists want, how to make headlines with your research and the golden rules for engaging with journalists.
The briefing will be followed by an advice session where you can ask any questions.
Audience: researchers interested in engaging with the media and achieving coverage of their work.
Time: Training session: 11am-1.15pm followed by advice session from 1.15-2pm. Lunch will be included.
Target audience
Researchers interested in media coverage of their work
Scheduled dates
There are currently no dates for this course planned. Please email %26lt;a href="mailto:orgdev@royalholloway.ac.uk"%26gt;orgdev@royalholloway.ac.uk%26lt;/a%26gt; to register your interest.
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