The responsibility for choosing and securing a placement ultimately belongs to you, the student. However, advice and support are provided at every stage by the Faculty Placement Place team, in close collaboration with Royal Holloway's Careers Service. The aim of the support is to enable you to choose an appropriate placement and perform effectively in the various recruitment and selection activities that are part of the process of getting a placement.
You will need to undertake the activities recommended to secure a placement in a timely fashion and there will be activities starting during your first year at Royal Holloway which then run through your second year.
Events include presentations with employers and Careers Service workshops (e.g. CV/covering letter preparation, interview skills, Linkedin Days, summer internships). In the second year there is a compulsory taught course for all Management students, regardless of pathway, which covers employability elements such as CVs, interviews, assessment centres. In addition one-to-one support is offered in the form of career guidance meetings and interview practice with a member of the Careers Service. More information on the Careers and Employability Service can be found here.