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Author-Date referencing

Style Guide for Ethnomusicology/Social Sciences:

Author-date referencing style and tips for ethnographic writing

(partially based on Ethnomusicology Forum style guide)


Author-date Referencing system

(sometimes referred to as ‘Harvard’)


References (citations) appear in the text in parentheses and include the surname of  the  author,  the  publication  date  of  the  work,  and,  where  necessary, a page reference, e.g. (Ramnarine 2010: 346).


When the author’s name is mentioned in the text, it should not be repeated in the reference; e.g. ‘Tan (2018: 66) argues that [...]’


Do not use footnotes to cite sources. List all sources in the References/Bibliography list at the end of the essay.




According to several commentators, the record industry—as we have known it—is in terminal decline (Knopper 2009; Kusek and Leonhard 2005; Lebrecht 2008). Yet, seemingly paradoxically, according to Steve Gordon ‘music itself is in fact more popular, more diverse, and is being listened to by more people than ever’ (2008: 117).




  • Each entry should appear alphabetically, according to surname of author.
  • Use upper case for *all* nouns in ANY language (not only proper nouns).
  • Use single quotation marks for titles of book chapters and journal articles, and double quotation marks within a title. 
  • Use three em dash for repeated author(s).
  • Use hanging indent.


Examples, according to the kind of source you are using:



Aubert, Laurent. 2007. The Music of the Other. Translated from French by Carla Ribeiro. Aldershot: Ashgate.

Gordon, Steve. 2008. The Future of the Music Business: How to Succeed with Digital Technologies. Second Edition. New York: Hal Leonard Books.

McQueen, Alison and David W. Hughes, eds. 2008. The Ashgate Research Companion to Japanese Music. Aldershot: Ashgate.

Norton, Barley. 2009. Songs for the Spirits: Music and Mediums in Modern Vietnam. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press.

Nettl, Bruno. 2005. The Study of Ethnomusicology: Thirty-one Issues and Concepts. Second Edition. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press.

Seidensticker, Edward, trans. 1976. The Tale of Genji, written by Shikibu Murasaki. New York: Knopf.

Simons, Artur. 2008. Ethnomusikologie: Aspekte, Methoden and Ziele [Ethnomusicology: Aspects, Methods and Aims].Berlin: Simon Verlag.



Beaver, R. Pierce. 1988. ‘Protestant Churches and the Indians’. In History of Indian-White Relations, edited by Wilcomb E. Washburn, 430-63. Vol. 4 of Handbook of North American Indians, edited by William C. Sturtevant. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press.

Nketia, J. H. K. 1986. ‘The Scholarly Study of African Music: A Historical Review’. In The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music. Vol. 1: Africa, edited by Ruth M. Stone, 13-73. New York and London: Garland Publishing, Inc.

Shelemay, Kay Kaufman. 1991. ‘Recording Technology, The Record Industry, and Ethnomusicological Scholarship’. In Comparative Musicology and the Anthropology of Music, edited by Bruno Nettl and Philip V. Bohlman, 277-92. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.



Bohlman, Philip V. 1989. ‘Die Volksmusik und die Verstädterung der deutsch-jüdischen Gemeinde in den Jahrzehnten vor dem Zweiten Weltkrieg’ [The Folk Music and the Urbanising of the German-Jewish Community in the Centuries prior to the Second World War]. Jahrbuch für Volksmusikforschung 34:25-40.

Seeger, Anthony. 1986. ‘The Role of Sound Archives in Ethnomusicology Today’. Ethnomusicology 30(2): 261-76.

___ . 1996. ‘Ethnomusicologists, Archives, Professional Organisations, and the Shifting Ethics of Intellectual Property’. Yearbook for Traditional Music 28: 87-105.

Stobart, Henry. 2010. ‘Rampant Reproduction and Digital Democracy: Shifting Landscapes of Music Production and “Piracy” in Bolivia’. Ethnomusicology Forum 19(1): 27-56.



Charry, Eric. 1998. ‘Mande Guitarists’. http://www.wesleyan.edu/~echarry/Guitar/Guitars.html (accessed 26 September 2010).



Not usually necessary to include in the reference list. Can be introduced in the text, for example as:


An editorial in the Philadelphia Inquirer, 30 July 1990, took the position that …

If wanted in ref list could be given as:

Philadelphia Inquirer. 1990. Editorial, 30 July.

(NOTE: if these are long, they can be referenced in an endnote.)



Jordan, S. 1995. ‘Blekbala Mujik’. Rolling Stone May 1995:90.



Ng, Kwok-wai. 2005. ‘Similar Tablature-Notations: Different Melodies—Tracing the Development of the Hichiriki Melodies in Modern Tōgaku’. Paper presented in the Symposium of Ancient East-Asian Tablature Notation. Shanghai Conservatory of Music. 3-6 November.



UNESCO. 2005. ‘Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions’. http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0014/001429/142919e.pdf. (Accessed 28 January 2010).



Hill, Juniper. 2005. ‘From Ancient to Avant-Garde to Global: Creative Processes and Institutionalization in Finnish Contemporary Folk Music’. Ph.D. diss., University of California, Los Angeles.



Ligeti, Györgi. 1996. ‘Liner notes to Györgi Ligeti: Works for Piano. Musica Ricercata. Mainz: Schott (CD SK 62308), Györgi Ligeti Edition.



Citing commercial recordings


References to the printed matter that accompany media publications should be treated like other text publications, cited using the author/date in-text system, and included in the references (see above).


If you are referring to the recording itself (music, film, YouTube clip, etc.), you must produce a different in-text citation, and have a separate discography or filmography. There is not a clear rule on how to cite media: generally, in-text references to the media should be made by name of performers or ensemble; or by the title of the CD, DVD, etc. The titles of albums/films need to be in Italics. Names of ensembles or bands should not be italics or inverted commas. If online, the URL and date accessed should be included.



Carpio, Luzmila. 2001 [1999]. Kuntur Mallku: El Mensajero. ACCD07 1999 ACCORDS CROISÉS/2001 PRO AUDIO SRL. Compact disc.

Chabad Nigunim, Volume 1. 2000. New York: Nichoach-Lubavitch CDNCC 01. Compact disc.

Hirsch, Lee. 2002. Amandla! A Revolution in Four-Part Harmony. South Africa: Artisan. DVD.

Klezmatics. 2003. Shteyt Oyf!: Rise Up! Berlin: Piranha PIR1686. Compact disc.

Mamani, Gregorio. [no date]. GREGORIO MAMANÍ LICOR MALDITO. (Channel: PAD COYO).  YouTube clip. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3dpS-KogvZwM7-XgfoOHrA   (Accessed 13 January 2021).

Schwartz, Leon. 1993. Like in a Different World: Leon Schwartz, a Traditional Klezmer Violinist From Ukraine. New York: Global Village C109. Cassette tape.



Citing interviews and personal communications


Personal communications and interviews should be listed as in-text citations, not in endnotes. Block quotations should be indented, and in smaller font size (e.g. 11). 

You may wish to differentiate between:


  • ‘personal communication’: for information of a general nature with an implied person. (Usually a more casual exchange).
  • ‘interview’: for quoted material from a (recorded) interview you have given. 
  • Other types of communications, e.g. ‘telephone interview’ or ‘email’, ‘Facebook’.


Date and place location should be added, where possible. In general, the order of information will be: name, format [e.g. personal communication, interview, email], place, date. For example:


First piracy imposed itself and then technology. Just imagine what happens when

technology changes! We had been working intensively over 30 years to keep ahead

of technology, to keep up to date with global sound system technology etc. Then

suddenly new digital technology appears. At first it didn’t look as though it would

have much impact, but sure enough it [did] and left us totally buried in the ground.

(Laureano Rojas, founder/owner of Lauro record label, interview, Cochabamba, 24 January



Recorded interviews and similar sources should not be listed in the References/Bibliography or Discography (unless the sources are accessible in a *public* archive or library).




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