On track: Generating income and achieving impact through Consultancy
What is it?
Consultancy can help generate income for the College and for College staff, including to fund their research-related activities. It can also be a good route to achieving research impact outside academia through client benefit and so potentially strengthen, or form the basis of, Impact Case Studies in the forthcoming REF.
This workshop will give you an overview of how academic consultancy works, and what to do if you’re thinking about, or have been approach about, a consulting relationship with external parties such as businesses, policy makers, charities or others. If you are offering consultancy services already this can be a good refresher session and a chance to ask questions about the process.
Course components:
- Examples of previous consultancy activities across the College’s faculties, including Impact Case Studies from the 2014 REF
- How clients and potential RHUL consultants become aware of each other.
- The role of Research and Enterprise in assisting with consultancy projects.
- How to agree a work programme with a client, and a suitable price for a consultancy project.
- How consultancy income is distributed.
Target audience
Academic staff at any career stage.
Scheduled dates
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