On Track: Networking Skills for Researchers and Academics
What is it?
Everyone knows that networking is important and yet, in practice, many of us think about networking in a negative or off-putting way.
This short workshop will give you the opportunity to consider the benefits to you, overcome the obstacles and make an achievable and sustainable networking plan.
The workshop will be interactive and practical – and give you the tools to make your networking effective and successful
Why bother with networking? Exploring the benefits and how networking can help you:
- Advance your career
- Be effective in research, writing and funding applications
- Raise your profile and professional image
- Create new opportunities for the future
What gets in the way? Consider and overcoming the barriers:
- Getting started
- Ditching discomfort, shyness and limiting beliefs
- Making time and sustaining networks
Who are your networking contacts?
- Thinking expansively and mapping a networking ‘bucket list’ – including colleagues, organisations, cross-university contacts
How will you make it happen? Next steps:
- Making a plan – a systematic approach
- Different methods – face to face, conferences, social media
- Putting yourself forward
Target audience
This event is aimed at researchers and academic staff.
Scheduled dates
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