

Frequently asked questions

Find answers to our most frequently asked questions about studying

Study FAQs

Below are some of our most frequently asked study related questions.

What will the 2023/24 academic year look like?

For the academic year 2023/24 students will be in classrooms, labs, performance spaces and studios in-person. In addition, we’ve listened to our students and taken the best parts of online learning and applied them to our curriculum. This means you’ll get the in-person teaching and learning support that will help you succeed in your studies, combined with the benefits of some online access.

Can I change my degree programme?

New students – before you enrol:

To find out whether you can change your degree programme prior to the start of the academic year, please contact the Admissions team in the first instance quoting your Royal Holloway student ID number and the name of the course you wish to change to.

Continuing students and new enrolled students:

To request to change your degree course once you've enrolled and the academic year has started, you will need to contact your School. If you are switching degree course and changing School, then you need to contact your current School and the School you wish to join. See our School contact information webpage for the relevant contact details. 

Please see our update my study details for a link to the Change of degree form and to view an overview of the process.

Can I speak to a current student from the same department?

Yes, if you are a first year undergraduate student you will have been matched with a Peer Guide from your department or School already.

They will be available to answer any questions you may have and to guide you through your first weeks of studying and will be in contact with you at the beginning of the academic year.

For more information see our about Peer Guides webpage.

When will I get my timetable?

Students starting their course in September 2023:

Your academic timetable will start to be populated from Tuesday 12 September 2023 and you will be able to access it here. Your timetable will show your scheduled teaching activities for the year. There may be seminars to be added or whole modules if you need to choose these when you arrive, so your timetable may be incomplete. Please check your timetable regularly. If you have queries about your timetable, please contact your School Helpdesk



Still need help?

If you can't find what you are looking for in our FAQs please use our Key contacts page to find out how to contact the relevant team for further advice.