New students moving in to Founder's Building with luggage


frequently asked questions

 Find answers to our most frequently asked questions about travelling to and from campus

Travel FAQs

Below are some of our most frequently asked travel questions.

How do I get to campus?

Royal Holloway is conveniently located near major transport routes and travelling to or from campus is easy. For more information about getting to campus via bus, train or bike, please see our Travel to or from campus webpages.

What travel discounts are available?

All students aged between 16-25 years old are eligible to apply for a 16-25 railcard, which will give you a 30% discount on Standard Anytime, Off-Peak, Standard Advanced and First Class Advanced rail fares anywhere in the UK. Students over the age of 25 that are studying full-time are also eligible to apply. The Student Services Centre can authorise applications for students over the age of 25 if they are registered on a full-time degree course. Students aged between 16-25 do not need their application to be authorised by the University.

For students with a term-time address in London that are commuting from London to Egham for classes, Transport for London offers an 18+ Student Oyster photocard scheme which allows you to save 30% on adult-rate Travelcards and Bus & Tram Pass season tickets.

For more information please see our Get travel discount webpages. 

Can I get a student Oyster Card?

Royal Holloway is registered with Transport for London for the 18+ Student Oyster photocard scheme. For more information and links to check your eligibility, and to submit an online application please see our Get travel discount webpages. Please note only students resident at a London address during term-time are eligible for this concession. If you are contracted to Halls accommodation you should not apply as the campus is situated outside of the Greater London Area.

Can I park on campus and do I need a permit?

Students residing on the main campus are not permitted to bring their cars onto campus. Limited parking is available and the highest priority is given to students who live outside of a 1.5 mile radius of the University.

To obtain a permit, you'll need to provide:

  • a valid driving license (provisional driving licenses are not acceptable)
  • vehicle registration document (accompanied by a letter of authorisation to drive the vehicle if in a different name from the applicant)
  • a valid certificate of insurance
  • proof of student identity and term-time address.

For further information and details on how to apply, please see our parking on campus webpages. 



Still need help?

If you cant find what you are looking for in our FAQs please use our Key contacts page to find out how to contact the relevant team.