Nov 21 2023

Researchers at Heriot-Watt University are looking to recruit to a UKRI-funded mini-project involving focus groups with doctoral students and key stakeholders to doctoral studies, such as disability officers, PGR co-ordinators, directors of doctoral training programmes, etc.

The focus of the research is UKRI's changing support for doctoral students.

The full range of participants we are looking for are as follows, with those marked* the most we'd appreciate support with.

  1. Disabled doctoral students. 
  2. Deaf doctoral students - a BSL version of the recruitment materials can be found here
  3. Neurodivergent doctoral students
  4. Doctoral Students with childcare responsibilities
  5. Doctoral Students with caring responsibilities, e.g., you have caring responsibilities for an adult relative
  6. Doctoral Students who have changed their mode of study, e.g., you have gone from full- to part-time, switched from in-person to remote study, work a compressed week
  7. Former doctoral students who have ended their studies in the last three years without completing their doctorate*
  8. Those who considered applying or had applied for doctoral training, but decided against it in favour of other graduate opportunities*
  9. Disability officers
  10. Directors of doctoral training programmes, PGR co-ordinators, and other key stakeholders to PGR studies

If this is you, or you know someone who might be interested in findings out more, you can click on this link for more information and to sign up.


If you are able to sign up – thank you, we will be in touch shortly to discuss selection and focus group details.

Please note: For all those selected for a focus group there will be a £50 Honorarium.