
inSTIL Programme - Professional Development in Teaching


 Who does inSTIL?

  • Postgraduate tutors (required if you are in a lead teaching role)

  • Visiting Lecturers (non-established teachers)

  • Staff who teach at Royal Holloway (e.g. technicians, post-doctoral researchers, and others)

You need to have 2 hours of teaching set up at Royal Holloway in order to join inSTIL.

You need to be able to be observed for a min. of 2 teaching sessions, of at least approx. 1 hour each, at Royal Holloway in order to complete inSTIL.

This is because teaching observations are part of the assessment requirements. EDC cannot arrange teaching hours. You should be delivering a series of sequential teaching activities, thereby allowing you to reflect thoroughly on how teaching went, reflect on you and your students’ experiences, and on feedback from an observer, apply developments in subsequent teaching, reflect again on your experience and on feedback from another observation, implement further developments and include a discussion in your portfolio to evidence meeting requirements of the UKPSF, leading to Associate Fellowship.

The programme has been designed to be highly interactive and will give you the maximum opportunity to develop your skills as a university teacher, to share ideas with your peers, and to determine what approaches will work in your own teaching situations.

The aim of inSTIL is to help you develop:

  •  the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively support student learning in HE

  •  the confidence required for effective teaching

  •  a basis for your future career development

It carries 15 M-level credits and is accredited by Advance HE, so you will automatically qualify for Associate Fellowship (AFHEA) after successful completion. This is a direct benefit to those who wish to make careers in the university sector in the UK and abroad.

Introductory days take place in September/October. Emails with introductory day booking info are sent out to all PGR researchers and to Directors of Postgraduate Education in August.

Click to view instil-overview-2024.

If you have any questions, please contact Educational Development


Who do I contact to arrange teaching?

You can ask your department (either your Supervisor or your PG Lead should be able to advise) on the process for arranging teaching if available. Educational Development cannot arrange teaching. 


How much teaching do I need to deliver to complete inSTIL?

You must have at least two hours of teaching, split into two separate sessions of one hour, to complete inSTIL. During the inSTIL programme you will be observed twice in different sessions. 


Can I start inSTIL even if my teaching contract has not come through?

You can attend the induction session on inSTIL even if your teaching hours have not been confirmed and you have not received a contract. However, you should have had verbal agreement that you will be teaching as you cannot complete inSTIL without teaching experience. inSTIL is a reflection on continuous practice and involves observations of your teaching/demonstrating/supporting students.