Enrolment gives you the right to attend the classes and receive tuition or supervision for the courses for which you have registered. If you are not registered for a course you may not attend classes, submit work or access facilities for that course. Enrolment also grants access to relevant University facilities, subject to any particular arrangements as approved for visiting students and to other provisions outlined in these Regulations.
Enrolment must be completed within 21 days of the start of your course and failure to do so, without prior approval and in the absence of medical or other good reason, will result in discontinuation of your registration. If, in exceptional circumstances re-admission is subsequently granted, a re-instatement fee of £300 will be payable. Exceptions will only be considered where Student Administration has been informed in advance in writing of any circumstances that prevent enrolment by the specified time. You will not be permitted to commence your studies and/or enrol after this 21 day period. If you do not enrol with the University you will not be entitled to use any University facilities, including the Computer Centre, University libraries, Campus Account facilities, the Students' Union, or attend lectures and seminars.
It is a requirement of enrolment with the University that you should attend (as far as reasonably possible) all scheduled classes, lectures and field trips. Non-attendance may result in disciplinary action, culminating in discontinuation of registration. The formal warning and discontinuation process is outlined in the Academic Regulations (listed below). All enrolled full time undergraduate students are expected to be easily contactable and able to attend campus during term time. Full time taught postgraduate students are enrolled for a full calendar year and are expected to be easily contactable and able to attend campus throughout that calendar year.
Further details can be found in the University's Student Engagement Policy for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Taught Students.
In the case of absence you must inform Student Administration by completing a notification of absence form that is available on the Notification of Absence webpages.
If you are in receipt of a student visa you should be aware that non-attendance could result in your visa being withdrawn. It is a legal requirement for the University to report a student enrolled on a student visa who does not appear to be in attendance to UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI). Upon notification, UKVI will cancel their visa. Discontinuation of registration due to a breach in Visa requirements is conducted independently of the University’s formal warning process and is not open to appeal.
The University recognises that many students undertake paid work to support their studies. However, full-time students should not undertake more than 20 hours of paid work per week during term time. You should not undertake any paid work which may conflict with your responsibilities as a student of the University. The University will not accept claims that your study was adversely affected by a period of paid or unpaid work.
Students in receipt of a student visa should be aware that if the University suspects you are breaking the conditions of your permission to stay by working more hours than you are allowed to, then the University is obliged to inform the UKVI. This could result in your current immigration permissions being curtailed or future applications being refused.