
Multifaith Chaplaincy


The Chaplaincy is here to offer support to the whole University community. Whatever you believe, whatever your background, whoever you love, whatever your struggles or doubts, and wherever in the world you are, we want to hear from you.  

Chaplains are available to see all members of the University – students and staff, of any faith or none.  We aim to support students and staff in building supportive communities of faith, where fundamental questions can be explored and a deep personal search for meaning is encouraged.


Our Anglican (Church of England) Chaplain is Revd Daniel Walker and Nisar Shaikh is our Muslim Chaplain. We are currently in the process of recruiting a new Catholic Chaplain after the retirement of Fr John Dickson. Chaplains are available to see all members of the University – students and staff, of any faith or none. 

You do not have to be religious to see a chaplain: we are practiced listeners and have a wealth of experience in supporting people through emotional, social, relationship, work and study difficulties, and vocational issues, as well as dealing with spiritual questions. If we are unable to help, we often know who can. You can speak to any one of us. If you’re not sure who might be best for you, you can email us directly. 

Everyone is welcome at our services and events and the chaplains (Christian & Muslim) are available to see all members of the University. We encourage faith groups to work together, provide direction and advice for religious societies, and support prayer and worship on campus. Through a range of services and events, the Chaplaincy seeks to provide a reflective space to every student and staff member, of all faiths and of none.

Places of Worship

We have three places of worship on campus: our Chapel in Founder’s Building, our Muslim Prayer Room in Wetton’s Annexe and our Dharmic Prayer Room in Founder's Building. There are regular services of worship in the Chapel and the Muslim Prayer Room but they can also be used for quiet reflection and prayer. The Chapel is usually open from 8.30am to 8pm, but please take note of any signs to let you know if it is use for a service, concert or rehearsal. The Muslim Friday Prayer (Jumm'ah) is held on campus in term time during Terms 1 and 2 only. This takes place each Friday in Hall A Wetton's Annexe with the sermon (Khutbah) starting at 1.15pm and prayer starting at 1.30pm. All are welcome.

Multifaith Meeting Room

We also have a small Multifaith meeting room called 'Breathe' which can be used by our faith groups. It is located in Founder's East, room 113 and you can book space via the Chaplaincy office

Muslim Prayer Room Access

Your college card can be enabled for 24hr access to the Muslim Prayer Room — to arrange this please contact Nisar, our Muslim Chaplain.

Dharmic Prayer Room Access

Please request access here. The Dharmic Prayer Room is located in Founder's East, room 114. 

Chapel Term Card

Click here to see what's going on in Chapel this term.

Chapel Community WhatsApp

Join the Chapel Community WhatsApp group here.

Social Media


Local Places of Worship

Click here for information about local places of worship. 


We are delighted to receive enquiries from those who are considering a Christian wedding in our beautiful Chapel and we will endeavour to place your special day into the ongoing life of the University and our community. Marriage in the Chapel is a possibility that is open to current staff, current students, children of current long-standing members of staff, and alumni of Royal Holloway. If you would like to enquire about holding your wedding in the Chapel, please complete the enquiry form

Contact Us

Please be aware that some of our team work part time and term time only.

Anglican Chaplain 
Revd Daniel Walker
Founder's East 158

Tel 01784 911806 

Roman Catholic Chaplain
Under recruitment
Founder's East 156

Muslim Chaplain
Mr Nisar Shaikh
Founder's East 158

Chaplaincy & Weddings Coordinator
Jackie Barber
Founder's East 156

Tel: 01784 443950


You can view accessibility information for our College Chapel hereLogo

for the Muslim Prayer Room (in Wetton's Annexe) here