
Meet the Careers Team


Phil Profile #2

Phil Simcock

Head of Service

Email Phil





 Our Careers Service is made up of four teams, here to assist you on your career journey.

  • Careers Consultants
  • Employer Engagement and Communications
  • Placements
  • Volunteering

Take a look below to discover more and contact the teams.



Careers Consultancy

We offer support to help you narrow down your options, work out the best way forward and apply for jobs or further study. We also work closely with academic departments to provide tailored advice and events linked to your discipline or area. You can contact the team by emailing: careers@rhul.ac.uk

Meet the Careers Consultancy Team

Sonia Vij

Sonia Vij

Careers Consultancy Manager

Academic Departments:

  • Doctoral School
  • Computer Science
  • Electronic Engineering
  • Maths
  • Physics
  • Information Security

Email Sonia

Gemma 2020

Gemma Seabrook

Academic Departments:

  • Social Work
  • Law
  • Criminology & Sociology
  • Politics
  • International Relations
  • Philosophy

Book an appointment with Gemma

 Jo 2020

Jo Edmondson

Academic Departments:

  • Drama, Theatre and Dance
  • Media Arts
  • Modern Languages
  • Music

Book an appointment with Jo

 Louise 2020

Louise Ogle

Academic Departments:

  • Classics
  • History
  • English & Creative Writing

Book an appointment with Louise

 Siobhan 2020

Siobhan Swindells

Academic Departments:

  • Psychology
  • Biological Sciences
  • Geography
  • Earth Science
  • Health Studies

Book an appointment with Siobhan


Georgina headshot

Georgina Lindsay

Academic Departments:

  • School of Business and Management
  • Economics

Book an appointment with Georgina

Careers Coaches

 Information coming soon...

Employer Engagement and Communications

We bring employers onto campus to help you find jobs, refine your career choices and improve your chances of application success, through our varied programme of fairs, alumni panels, employer presentations, skills sessions and one-to-ones. The team promote a wide range of careers opportunities and events to all students and recent graduates, and our Careers Portal advertises 1400+ graduate jobs, placements and part-time roles.

We also run the Help Desk in the Enterprise & Careers Hub, providing information on job-hunting and careers resources and taking bookings for appointments. We oversee all the communications that you receive from the central Careers Service, including social media, newsletters, webpages, digital screens and posters around campus. You can get in touch with the team by emailing employers@royalholloway.ac.uk.

Meet the Employer Engagement and Communications Team

 Liz cropped

Liz Chapman

Employer Engagement and Communications Manager

  • Careers Communications Strategic Lead
  • Employer Engagement Programme Lead
  • Industry Advisory Boards

Email Liz

Nabihah 2022 2

Nabihah Moughal

Senior Employer Engagement and Communications Officer

  • Careers Communications Lead
  • Careers and Placements Fair
  • Diversity Fair
  • International Students 

Email Nabihah

 Nikki 2020

Nikki Pickford

Employer Engagement Officer - Events

  • Part-time Jobs Fairs
  • LinkedIn Days
  • Summer Careers Fair

Industry sectors:

  • Government and Public Sector
  • Law
  • Teaching
  • Creative and Media
  • Museums, Galleries and Heritage
  • Journalism and Publishing

Email Nikki

Harriet 2022

Harriet Fletcher

Employer Engagement Officer - Events

  • Part-time Jobs Fairs
  • LinkedIn Days
  • Summer Careers Fair

Industry sectors:

  • Business, Finance and Consulting
  • Science and Healthcare
  • Technology
  • Marketing, PR and Comms
  • Sustainability

Email Harriet

Heather profile photo

Heather Gammond

Student Experience & Enterprise Officer

  • Enterprise and Careers Hub Manager
  • Job Shop 
  • Student Entrepreneurship

Email Heather

Employer Events and Digital Promotion Assistants

 Information coming soon...

Help Desk Assistants

 Information coming soon...


We run the Summer Skills Placement Programme for First and Second Year undergraduate students of Black Heritage, Care-leavers, low-income backgrounds, first in family to go to university and students registered with the College's Disability & Neurodiversity Service, working closely with the academic schools. We offer careers workshops, CV assessment, and interviews as part of the application process. In addition, we provide information on the Optional Placment Year to undergraduate students. You can get in touch with the team by emailing: careersplacements@rhul.ac.uk

Meet the Placements Team

Lisa 2020

Lisa Medd

Placements and Work-based Learning Manager

Email Lisa

Emily Meet the Team page

Emily Hertzell

Senior Placements Officer (Mon-Thurs)

Email Emily

Tracey Stuart 2021

Tracey Stuart

Placements Officer (Mon-Tues)

Email Tracey

Claire Brown profile photo

Claire Brown

Placements Officer (Mon-Wed)

Email Claire

Aishi Profile Photo

Aishwarya Sunthararajah

Placements Officer

Email Aishi

Laura profile photo

Laura Haycock

Optional Placement Year Administrator & Global Experiences Officer (Mon-Wed)

Email Laura

Jen Ciarleglio

Jen Ciarleglio

Global Experiences Officer (Tues, Thurs, Fri)

Email Jen


We support students to pursue excellent opportunities in the local community. Many of these students have graduated and become leaders in the third sector, as well as other industries. We work across multiple departments to ensure that as many students as possible get the chance to increase their skills, meet new people and make a difference through community engagement. The Volunteering Hub is open termtime Monday to Friday 10am-4pm, and students can register as volunteers and explore opportunities on our Volunteering Platform at: volunteering.royalholloway.ac.uk

Meet the Volunteering Team

 Luke 2020

Luke Russell

Volunteering Manager

  • Community Action Partners
  • Student Leadership Programme
  • Social Action community projects
  • Volunteering Abroad
  • DBS applications

Email Luke

Louise McGarr 2020

Louise McGarr

Volunteering Community Research Coordinator

  • Community Research Hub
  • Voluntary Work Placements

Email Louise


Divine Shanganya

Volunteering Coordinator

Email Divine

Volunteering Hub Assistants

 Information coming soon...


How are we doing?

We love to hear your feedback to help us improve our service. Provide feedback by email