The Wellbeing Support team are here to support all students with their general wellbeing. We're a friendly, approachable team who triage wellbeing queries and provide non-clinical advice and guidance to students. Our advisers will help co-ordinate the right support for you or signpost / refer you to others within the department for longer term or more specialised support. You can also contact us if you are concerned about another student so the right person can reach out to offer support and guidance.
How to contact us & make an appointment
Please email the team or join our daily in-person drop-ins between 11am - 2pm during term time. These are held in Founder's East, room 133.
What we do
We are open to all students and will provide general support and advice on wellbeing, including transition and adjustment to university life. Through the year we plan proactive health and wellbeing campaigns, events and education with a focus on promotion of good wellbeing and co-ordinate and implement the Be A Good Neighbour strategy with support available for students living locally. This includes Halls to Home guidance in term three to support transition to living in the private sector.
How we can help
We often act as your first point of contact for support and we will enable you to get the right help from the most appropriate person or team. Please get in contact with us if you are feeling worried, upset or uncertain. You will be offered a drop in or triage appointment with a Wellbeing Adviser who will listen to your current concerns. The Wellebing Advisers will then work with you to develop the support or self-help guidance you will benefit from. Often this will include putting you in touch with more specialised or clinical services in the department (or externally) who can offer specialised or therapeutic interventions.