Royal Holloway seeks to be a good and responsible member of the local community and for our students and staff to contribute positively to this aim. Vehicle use and car parking is a current societal challenge, and we all recognise the need to support responsible and appropriate parking where car use is required, with the promotion of sustainable travel options wherever possible.
During the day, we encourage members of our community who live close to the University to walk or cycle to campus if they can, and it’s safe to do so. We also ask that you consider the option of car-sharing with someone you know and trust to help reduce costs and impact on the environment.
There are bus and train links to many local towns and into central London, of which you can find further details here:
If you are a student living more than 1.5 miles from campus, you are entitled to apply for a student campus parking permit.
If you are a student living within the 1.5-mile radius, you can apply for a student out-of-hours parking permit which means you can park on campus between 6pm to 4am (Car parks 4 and 14).
If you are a member of staff, you are entitled to apply for a staff campus parking permit.
If you are a student and have a blue badge, please contact for further guidance.
There are no charges for permits and you can apply at
All drivers are expected to adhere to the rules of the Highway Code and Road Traffic Act and to pay particular attention to local parking restrictions which are enforceable by Surrey County Council. This includes considering the safety of others and ensuring full access for drivers and pedestrians on roads and footpaths. Please consider other residents parking and access needs and ensure your vehicle does not impede access to a property or parked in a space allocated for a property.
Where there are parking restrictions in place, these are enforced by Surrey County Council. Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) can be issued by civil enforcement officers for vehicles parked on yellow lines, in permit bays without a permit, overstaying in a time limited parking bay, for double parking and for vehicles parked in front of a dropped kerb.
Where parking is dangerous or obstructive, and there are no formal parking controls, the police may act. This could include parking close to a junction or on a bend or causing an obstruction to a footpath.
For students and staff at the University, there is also a requirement to adhere to the Traffic and Car Parking Policy and the Student Conduct Regulations. Where there is a breach of any of our policies and procedures, enforcement or conduct action will be considered by the relevant team.