
Our RH2030s Strategy


From our origin, we have been at the forefront of promoting social change and inclusion and we are proud to have become a forward thinking University which not only delivers world class research but also a global community dedicated to changing the world for the better. Over the past three years our strategy work has revealed the following strengths: 

  • Climate and Biodiversity
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and New Technologies
  • Culture and Creative 
  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Social Justice and Addressing Inequalities

We want you to join us on our journey developing and implementing our new strategy, RH2030s - a strategy that embraces our core values and prepares our community for the challenges and opportunities of the next decade.

Want to get involved? Consider submitting you artwork for our upcoming RH2030s Mural, to be unveiled on our Egham campus in September 2024.

Our Values

          A middle circle that reads 'University of Social Purpose' surrounded by four circles, each listing one of our values - daring, innovative, open and repsectful


Challenging ourselves and others to make a positive difference in the world.


Relentlessly curious and ambitious


Working collaboratively with integrity, honesty and transparency


An inclusive community built on kindess, trust and understanding


Our four Ambitions

We'd love to know that you think we should be doing differently to achieve our ambitions? Use this link to add your comments.


Ambition statement

We will co-create personalised learning experiences that enable you to learn alongside others so that you are able to fulfil your motivations and ambitions. The skills you gain will be informed by research and industry, and will combine knowledge, experience and personal development. You will develop attributes that equip you to shape both your own future and our communities with confidence.


  • To establish and maintain a multi-directional, networked learning community (including students, educators, professional services, researchers, alumni, industry experts and other external parties) in which individuals will become skilled to fully participate in society, throughout life.
  • To support potential students in gaining the necessary skills to study with us through community partnerships before joining Royal Holloway, and to help our graduates unlock the power of their degrees for at least five years after graduating.
  • To embed a range of current key academic, digital and life meta-skills through our curricula, as well as providing enhanced and accessible experiential learning opportunities for our students through placements, volunteering and employment.
  • To create resources and pathways for colleagues to develop a range of skills (including those that enable others to acquire skills themselves), through increased opportunities for personal development, training, accreditation, shadowing, mentoring and volunteering


Ambition statement

We will deliver world-leading research and knowledge exchange in our areas of strength and develop bold future ambitions by addressing the challenges of the present through increased knowledge, understanding, and impact.From their first encounter with our University, students can share and celebrate our commitment to transformational research with social purpose. Students will experience a high-quality learning experience that is founded on an inclusive knowledge base, championed by diverse leadership.We will be recognised internally and externally for our excellent and inclusive research and teaching environment for students and colleagues through the development of people, skills and culture.


  • Development of research culture and diversification of research leadership to drive discovery, ambition, and skills for inclusive innovation.
  • Reduction in disparities in student outcomes at key stages of the student lifecycle.
  • Diversify the curriculum and ensure cutting edge inclusive pedagogy is delivered acrossthe University.
  • Nurture and encourage the development of our students as inclusive leaders through social purpose work-based learning and volunteering opportunities as well as exploration of social justice in the curriculum.
  • Resource research infrastructures that build external recognition and reward for our expertise in research for social purpose.

Civic minded

Ambition statement

We will build and strengthen relationships with our key external stakeholders to further the University’s impact and reputation. We will create engaged communities: from a global student body which enriches our learning environment; to a global alumni network who advocate for the University; to strong local connections, in which the University contributes significantly to the success of the region’s economy, services and society. We will foster partnerships that underpin the mission of being a University of Social Purpose: our global partners are key to our world-leading research reputation and sustainable international student recruitment strategy, and our civic partners enable us to be a force for good, both regionally, nationally and globally.


  • Develop a portfolio of collaboration approaches that inspire and support our globally minded students and colleagues through sustainable and equitable partnerships with global educational institutions who share our values.
  • Be recognised as a civic university with social purpose by making a difference within the local and regional community.
  • Move towards a civic and global engagement model that puts research partnerships, and inclusive education experiences for our students, focused on our areas of strength, at the centre of our mission.
  • Diversify the geographies of our civic and global partnerships to broaden our reach and impact.
  • Focus our development and alumni relations activities to align with, and support, the civic and global social purpose agenda.


Ambition statement

We will bolster and broaden our collaborations with a variety of partners, including businesses, organisations, universities and governments worldwide. Our goal is to secure new funding sources for impactful research and innovation in our areas of strength, addressing societal challenges and ensuring Royal Holloway leads the way.


  • Foster a thriving interdisciplinary environment through partnerships, improving relevant skills for all and offering experiential learning for students.
  • Align collaborations with our inclusive values and principles.
  • Boost business development and knowledge exchange to increase external funding, supporting and expanding university research and innovation.
  • Seek partnerships that place students and education at their heart.





We'd love to know that you think we should be doing differently to achieve our ambitions? Use this link to add your comments.