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Notification of absence



Notification of Absence

If you are unable to attend a timetabled teaching session (lecture, seminar, workshop etc.), you must notify the Univeristy via the processes below.

Notified Absence

If the absence is five consecutive working days or less, it will be processed as a Notified Absence. You must notify the University by the end of the first day you are absent. Where possible you should try to submit this in advance. Evidence is not required.

Where it is not possible to notify us of your absence in advance, you should do this by the end of the first day the absence occurred. If you do not do this by the end of the first day it occurred, your absence will be considered as an Authorised Absence request and you will be required to provide evidence. You cannot submit a request for retrospective notification of absence.

The submission of a Notified Absence does not require approval and will be updated on your attendance record.


Authorised Absence Request Form and Supporting Evidence

If the absence is more than five consecutive working days, or where you have not been able to notify us of an absence of five working days or less by the end of the first day it occurred, it will be processed as an Authorised Absence request and requires approval. You must provide appropriate evidence that relates to the absence dates and has your name on it. A list of acceptable forms of evidence can be found here. Without acceptable evidence, requests will be rejected.

Where possible, Authorised Absence requests should be submitted in advance. Authorised Absence requests may be submitted up to five working days from the last day of absence. Requests for Authorised Absence submitted after five working days may not be considered.

Authorised Absence request approval is at the discretion of Student Administration. Approved Authorised Absences will be updated on your attendance record. If the request is rejected the absence will be calculated as an unauthorised and un-notified absence. A list of acceptable reasons for Authorised Absence can be found here.

Please complete an absence form here.



If you are experiencing issues that are preventing you from attending University regularly, please contact your School or the University’s Wellbeing: Support & Guidance Service.  


It is your responsibility to:

  1. Notify the University of your absence with evidence if required within the relevant notification period. You should follow any guidelines specific to your department given in the Departmental Student Handbook as you may be required to meet formally with an academic tutor or supervisor.
  2. Keep in touch with your department should you be absent for a prolonged period.
  3. Make up any work you have missed due to your absence.
  4. Follow the relevant guidance on any missed assessment(s) due to your absence. Please check our Assessments and Results page for more information.

Please be aware that

Although absence may be notified or authorised, where your engagement levels are already of concern, such requests may not be granted and this could result in your department initiating University disciplinary procedures by issuing Formal Warnings.

Your absence(s) whether authorised or not, does not constitute grounds for appeal against a module or degree course failure or failure to progress to the next stage of study.

If you have further questions about an absence, contact the Attendance Team at


What if I can't attend my exam?

If you are unable to attend a formal examination you should follow the guidance in the Essential Examinations Information.

Forms and supporting evidence

Blue Grey

Acceptable reasons for absence
