
Postgraduate research studentship nominations

How to nominate a student for a PGR studentship

The following information is for departments who wish to nominate students to receive postgraduate research studentships.

  • All external PGR funding opportunities should be discussed with the Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor (Postgraduate Research) (Professor Dawn Watling) in the first instance. 
  • All departments should complete the nomination form and return this to
  • If match-funding / co-funding from the University is required, please ensure this has been approved by the Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor (Postgraduate Research) before submitting the nomination form.  Find out more about requesting College co-funding. 
  • If the student is funded by UKRI, an additional online form should also be completed (please note: if the student is EPSRC, the additional online form is not required)
  • Please note that if there are ANY changes to the studentship or a student changes to a different award at a later date, a new nomination form must be completed and submitted to


1. Overview of PGR admissions and studentship offer process

2. PGR studentship nomination form

 PGR Studentship Nomination Form

  • The nomination form should be completed by the department, signed off by the Director of Postgraduate Education, and submitted via Microsoft Forms.
  • Please read the instructions carefully and complete each relevant section, in accordance with the type of studentship the student is to receive. 
  • For guidance on how to complete each section, please view our guide to completing the form.
  • For studentships with multiple funders, you may also find it useful to use the Studentship Funding Tool to assist with costing. If you require any help with the Funding Tool, please contact Finance: Grants & Contracts at 

All departments should complete the following:

  • Section A - General information
  • Section E – Additional information, checklist and approval from Director of Postgraduate Education
  • and either:
    • Section B – Central College funding with or without additional departmental funding OR
    • Section C – External funding e.g. UKRI, charities, industry etc. with or without funding from Royal Holloway  (section D - to be completed in addition only if the student is funded by UKRI)   

3. UKRI studentships online form

 UKRI online form

  • In addition to the studentship nomination form, students who are funded (either in part or in full) by a Research Council are required to have a student record created on the Je-S system, for monitoring by UKRI. Each Research Council requires specific information to be recorded, additional to the information provided on the nomination form.
  • Please use the above form to provide this additional information for recording on Je-S. Please select the relevant Research Council, and you will then be directed to the specific questions for that Council. 
  • Please note: If your student is funded by EPSRC, they require no further information, other than what has already been provided on the nomination form, and you are not required to complete the online form. 


Quick links

PGR Studentship Nomination Form

Nomination Form guide

UKRI online form

College co-funding request process 

Overview of the PGR admissions and studentship offer process

A to Z of the Doctoral School microsite

Doctoral School processing turnaround times