Doctoral School processing turnaround times


The Doctoral School deals with a very high volume of emails and processes every day.  Even though the team works very hard to respond to queries and process forms etc. as quickly as our resources allow, we understand that we may not always be able to respond to emails / process something for you quite as quickly as you would like.  The table below gives you an indication how long you should expect to wait for a response / for a process to take - so that you can see how far in advance you should contact us. If you are late in submitting a form etc, please understand that it will not normally be possible to prioritise this above requests which have been received earlier.

Please note:

  • The processing turnaround times are given on the basis that the forms are completed correctly and any necessary evidence / approval is provided.
  • If the response / processing is dependent on staff outside of the Doctoral School, we have less control over the turnaround times. We will send a holding email if it looks as if the response / process might take longer than expected.
  • At certain times of year (e.g. Start of Session), some of these turnaround times will need to extend due to the additional volume of work. Any seasonal updates will be reflected below. 


 Task type Expected turnaround time (working days) Comment
Emails - straightforward general queries 2 - 4 working days Until end of October 2024 - peak processing time
Voicemail queries 1 - 2 working days
Document production 2 - 3 working days
Appointment requests 1 - 2 working days
Emails - more complex / multi-questions 6 - 10 working days

If the query requires research / advice from across the University, a holding email will be sent to provide likely timeline

Progression review and exam processing  6 - 10 working days Until end of October 2024 - peak processing time
Studentship advertising and nomination form processing 3 - 5 working days
Expense claim processing 3 - 5 working days
Suspensions of regulations, student movements and formal warning processing 10 - 14 working days Until end of February 2025 - peak processing time
PGR data requests (from academics) 14 working days General data request will be forwarded to Data Management. If requests are complex and not easily identified from student data held on Banner, then this may take longer.

Contact us

By email:

By phone:

  • 01784 276886
  • Manned 10am-4pm, Tuesday to Thursday

In person:

  • Visit our helpdesk in room S-105, Founder's South Tower
  • Open 10am-4pm on Tuesdays

 Quick links

A to Z of the Doctoral School microsite