
Doctoral School Helpdesk


Welcome to the Doctoral School Helpdesk 




How to contact the Doctoral School Helpdesk

It's worth looking at the Doctoral School microsite and the PGR student handbook for the answer first if you have a general query.  However, if you have a more specific request or can't find the answer online, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Doctoral School Helpdesk - Founder's South Tower S-105

The Doctoral School Helpdesk in Founder's South Tower (S-105) is open for walk in face-to-face queries every Tuesday from 10am until 4pm.

How can I find the Helpdesk?

The Doctoral School Helpdesk is located in the Founder's South Tower S-105 just outside the entrance to Herringham Seminar Room B. From Crosslands, cross the quad to the tower opposite. There is a door on the right and the Helpdesk is on the first floor.  View campus map

General queries

Please note that whilst the Helpdesk team will be able to assist with general queries, if you have a specific query, please email the Doctoral School mailbox ( to ensure the relevant specialist team member is able to respond to your particular query or submit the appointment request form.

Document requests

If you have a document request, the Helpdesk team should be able to deal with most of them on the day.  Alternatively, you can email your document request in advance to and come and collect it from the Helpdesk during our opening hours.

Not on campus on Tuesdays?

If you would like to speak with someone in the Doctoral School team face-to-face but are not able to get to campus on Tuesdays, you can always make an appointment to meet with the most relevant team member on another day via the appointment request form.

Email us

Contact us at and we will aim to respond as soon as possible.

Phone us - 01784 276886

Our phones lines are open between 10am - 4pm, Tuesday to Thursday. If you you need to reach us on Mondays or Fridays, or our lines are busy when you tried to call, please leave a voicemail and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Make an appointment to speak with one of the Doctoral School team 

  • Complete the short appointment request form  - so that we can make sure you speak with the most appropriate person in the Doctoral School team.
  • Appointments can take place between 9am - 5pm, Monday to Friday.  Please indicate on the request form which days / times would suit you best and we will try to accommodate your preferences where possible.
  • You will be given the option on the form to indicate whether you would prefer the meeting to take place in person at the Helpdesk in Founder's South Tower or online via MS Teams.


What can the Doctoral School Helpdesk team help with? 


Please contact the Doctoral School Helpdesk if you require one of the following:

Advice and queries

The Doctoral School is here to support your student journey and we are able to provide advice and support for a wide range of areas e.g.

If you have a query and are not sure whom to contact, please contact us and we will point you in the right direction.

Find out more about the services the Doctoral School provides


Key services provided elsewhere in the University for postgraduate researchers

Your School's Helpdesk - contact them if you have queries about:

  • Your HR contract (for those of you who are teaching)
  • Study space within your department / School
  • Expenses (except techne, SeNSS or ISG CDT expenses, which the Doctoral School deals with)

The Student Services Centre - contact them if you have queries about:

  • applying to live in Halls
  • replacement Student ID cards
  • travel concessions including the 18+ Student Oyster Photocard 


Contact us

By email:

By phone: 

  • 01784 276886
  • Manned 10am-4pm, Tuesday to Thursday 

In person:

  • Visit our helpdesk in room S-105, Founder's South Tower
  • Open 10am - 4pm on Tuesdays

Quick links

Request an appointment with the Doctoral School

Find out more about what the Doctoral School can help you with

A to Z of the Doctoral School microsite