May 10 2023

Please find below a ist of courses that the School of PDA are offering this summer term. These sessions are open to ALL to attend. Please email the organiser (emails can be found on College outlook) to attend.

  • 10 May, from 10.00 in C004; Make an AI film in a day (organisers Chris Hogg and Armando Garcia) 
  • 17 May 2023, 4pm Arts & Humanities Research in Geography:  an invitation from the Centre for GeoHumanities. 
  • 18 May, 10:30-12:00: Social Science Impact Accelerator - ESRC IAA internal launch 
  • 22 – 24 May: Grant writing workshops (organisers Helen Nicholson and Hannah Thompson). One space left – please ask Helen. 
  • 22 May: Performance Theatre: Reconnecting Practices, Discourses and Histories of Theatre and Performance Art 1950-2020 (organiser Georgina Guy) 
  • 23 May Everest 1922: Audiovisual Perspectives,  Centre for Audiovisual Research (organiser Julie Brown) 
  • 5 and 6 June: Research Workshop with artist and programmer Marco Donnarumma on the contemporary developments in AI, their aesthetics, ethics and politics. (organiser Olga Goriunova ). 
  • 8 June: Senate House: THE future of TV studies in our school (organiserJohn Ellis) 
  • 9 and 10 June, 2023: Sustainability, Pedagogy and Environmental Justice in the Performing Arts (organisers Liz Schafer, Helen Gilbert and David Bullen) 
  • 12 June: Research Awayday Postponed, but meeting time for Impact Clusters
  • 16 June Music Ex Machina:  Methods and Methodologies for Technology-centred Practice-Based Research in Contemporary Music (organiser Zubin Kanga) 
  • 22-23 June: Material Ecologies of Media and Their Histories (Organised by Olga Goriunova, David Young, Nick Hall and JP Kelly)