Jun 13 2023

As part of advancing the University’s environmental sustainability strategy, and work towards Pillar 6, Royal Holloway is planning an Environmental Sustainability festival for next year. The aim is to showcase initiatives in this area and build links that could be developed in the future, bringing together Royal Holloway with the local community. 

 Through the Living Sustainably Catalyst and with the help of PhD student placement Caroline Harris, we are conducting a scoping study to help shape and plan this festival. Caroline is currently gathering views from staff, researchers and students on what they would like to see from the festival, and mapping areas of interest and potential events across the University. She is also talking to community groups, local councils and other stakeholders.   

 We would like to ensure that colleagues and students are consulted and that their views, expertise and ideas for this festival are represented in the scoping report that Caroline is compiling. We would like to bring together the many different strands of research, practice and other activities related to environmental sustainability that are ongoing at Royal Holloway across its various departments and communities.  

 Please use this link to access a short set of questions. In order to allow Caroline time to analyse these for the scoping study report, please could you respond by Friday 30 June.