Jun 30 2023
Recent special collections acquisitions:
  • A second edition of William Lily's Christian Astrology (1659) with early reader annotations showing the use of astrology in the 17th and 18th centuries. For the Harry Price Library
  • First editions of modernist literature, including Paralax (1925) by Nancy Cunard and Voyage in the Dark (1934) by Jean Rhys. Purchased from the Deller fund.
  • Memoirs of George Edwards, alias Wards (1820) By Edward Aylmer, on the spy of the Cato Street Conspiracy. For Goldsmiths. 
  • The Tragedy of King Lear (1904), printed by the Arts and Crafts community of Roycroft in East Aurora, New York. One of 100 copies printed on vellum. For the Sterling Library.

New archives accessions:

Other recent acquisitions of note:

  • We have purchased the literature and poetry output of the independent Algerian publisher Barzakh.
  • We have purchased (and are negotiating the transport and payment) the Russian dissident magazine Translit directly from its editor in chief Pavel Arsenev who is a member of the Poetry Actionism Laboratory.
  • We received a large donation (1000+ books and pamphlets) of rare East German propaganda material that we intend to make accessible to the research community in collaboration with the East German Studies Archive at the University of Reading.