May 17 2023

As a registered charity, the Student’s Union is ultimately accountable to a Board of Trustees who oversee the strategic direction, financial, legal and reputational viability of the charity. There are three student trustees who sit on the Board with the four elected Sabbatical Officers as well as five external trustees recruited outside Royal Holloway.

The role is voluntary but it will give students an opportunity gain insight into the workings of a charitable organisation as well as having an influence on the decisions being made by the Students’ Union with an aim to make student life better at Royal Holloway. The only requirement is that Student Trustees must be registered for the forthcoming academic year.

Further information can be found in our Job Pack here:  BOT-StudentTrustee-May23.pdf (

Applications must be submitted via email to Suzy Stevenson, Chief Executive Officer, at Applications must include a CV and a cover letter. Applications should be submitted by 23.59 on Wednesday, May 31 2023.