Sep 26 2023

TEDxRoyalHolloway are looking for vibrant and engaging students of all backgrounds and interests to join our ranks! We are a student-led initiative that aims to provide the opportunity to share stories and to help inspire and motivate students to develop into tomorrow's leading thinkers and doers. 

As most of you may be familiar with TED, the ‘x’ in TED stands to represent an independently organised event. In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a programme of local, self-organised events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience.

Outline of the Roles:

Logistics: Working within a team, you will be in charge of the timetabling of the conference, as well as plans for design and application of the conference's main theme.

Speakers Coordinator: A team that identifies and sources speakers, working closely with the speakers on brainstorming, creating, and editing their talks.

Finance and Sponsorship: Several roles which will be managing team expenses and income, facilitating fundraisers and building relationships with external enterprises who may be interested in sponsoring the conference.

Social Media and Marketing: Various members responsible for advertising the conference across social media platforms and creating visual content both prior and on the day of the event.  

Event Manager: A single position that is responsible for brainstorming, organising and facilitating social and fundraising events, by outsourcing volunteers and resources to create events that build our community and market our brand.   

Event Production: Those involved in the technical production of the event. Think sound, lighting, stage design etc. We are looking for experienced students who wish to collaborate effectively to produce polished, smooth TED talks to be proud of. 

To express interest or for any inquiries, please reply to and a member of the team will get back to you.