Sep 11 2024

The Writing Collective’s September meeting will be on Thursday 26 September in the Munro Fox Seminar Room, and we’d love you to join us!

The morning session will be the lightning talks, an opportunity for those who wish (not compulsory) to provide a 3−5 min overview of their research.  It can be just the proposal and ideas, or if you are further into your research the methodology and any findings. It is to give people the opportunity to discuss their research or a practice for the PhD conference; mainly it is just the opportunity to get some feedback in a friendly setting. 

 So we can plan the timetable, if you would like to present please can you add your details HERE by 5pm on the 24th September.

We'll ask people to write down their feedback, so people can read the comments in their own time.  

 A rough schedule for the day is included below:

 9:30: Social/welcome time

10:00−12:00: Lightning Talks 

12:00−12:30: Lunch (please bring a packed lunch if you can, weather permitting we will eat outside).

12:30−14:00: Focused writing (or reading)

14:00: End (room available for social time)

You are welcome to join for as much or as little as you can or wish, but even if you don't want to give a talk yourself, please come along and listen and support your fellow TWC’rs if you can.

−Sam, on behalf of TWC