Jul 07 2023
You may be aware that UCU (University and College Union) has announced 12 days of discontinuous strike action to fall between July and September, with the first strike taking place on Tuesday 11 June. The ongoing marking and assessment boycott is also set to continue. The full list of dates can be found below. 

Whilst we recognise staff members’ right to take part in industrial action, our priority remains to ensure you have the best student experience possible whilst you are here at Royal Holloway.

Our Summer Graduation ceremonies are still going ahead as planned. We are looking forward to celebrating the hard work of our final year students and we will do everything possible to minimise disruption.

As a University, we are actively working with UCEA (Universities and Colleges Employers Association) and working collaboratively with staff who are members of UCU to achieve a positive national resolution. We are continuing to work to understand where issues are impacting staff negatively, seeking to bring about improvement and work towards providing a great place to work. The nature of these national negotiations is complex – they are multi-party and multi-issue – therefore, while we agree that the ultimate resolution to this national dispute rests in the hands of the national negotiators we are continuing to look at how we mitigate the impact on our students as much as possible.

If you are an international student with any concerns, please get in touch with International Student Support.

You can find out what the Doctoral School is doing to mitigate the effects of the Marking and Assessment Boycott here.

Industrial action dates:

  • Tuesday 11 -  Friday 14 July inclusive
  • Thursday 17  – Saturday 19 August inclusive
  • Monday 18 – Friday 22 September inclusive.