I understand and accept that Royal Holloway, University of London and all parties acting on behalf of RHUL will process personal data about me which I have submitted in the application and enrolment process, and other data that the College may obtain about me for any purpose connected with my studies, my health and safety, and for any other legitimate reason. This processing may include disclosure of data to third parties acting on behalf of, or delivering services to, the College. All data will be processed in accordance with the College's Data Protection Collection Notice as applicable and in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.
I authorise Royal Holloway, University of London to issue information about my progress, including but not limited to my course results, academic progress and attendance, to my employer or sponsor if my employer or sponsor so requests. I agree to all my work written at this institution being processed and stored by any third party Plagiarism Detection Service as appointed by the College.
Some information will be provided to the Higher Education Statistics Agency, UKBA, government education departments, funding councils, National Student Survey and other authorised users of the data. The data will be anonymised where appropriate. Personal information will not normally be released in any other cases except, for example, in the interest of health and safety or criminal investigation.