Feb 06 2023

Registration is now open for 23Things International 2023. This unique global programme is specially tailored for researchers interested in learning new tools for research, building their professional profile, and networking. It is open to doctoral researchers, their supervisors, and academics from all disciplines.

 What is it?

 23T is a self-directed online programme. Each week we release two blogs – called Things – covering a topic or piece of software that can enhance how you work. It’s an easy way to find out the basics, with time to experiment a little and resources for taking things further when you want. Topics range from podcasting to understanding open access, crowdsourcing to publication strategy, career mapping to infographics. There is also the opportunity to build your own website and blog, which is an increasingly popular way to present your work and create public interest.

A huge benefit is that when you join the programme, we put you in a ‘Pod’ with 10-15 other researchers from around the world. Partners this year include the universities of Surrey, Cambridge, Swansea, Surrey and Kings College London (UK), University College Dublin (Ireland), University of Otago and Auckland University of Technology (New Zealand), The International College of Management Science, Sydney and Avondale University (Australia), and The University of Bahrain. We also welcome the Techne doctoral training partnership and the Africa Research Excellence Fund, connecting us with researchers across South-East England and many African countries. The Pod creates an instant network of researchers with overlapping research interests and leads to fantastic collaborations and friendships. Some of the Things include small group tasks, helping you to explore topics further together.

On top of all this, the website has a forum for discussion, and we’re mixing in some live events, too – cross-time-zone coffee socials and a 48-hour writing retreat.


Registration is open now, and is open until Friday 24th February. The first ‘Thing’ will be released on 6th March, and you will also meet your pod that week. The course runs for 14 weeks (including two break weeks).

The time commitment is very flexible. It’s designed to take about an hour a week (on average) to read the blogs and complete the small tasks, but you can tailor your involvement to suit your own interests and availability. There is no obligation to complete all the tasks, and each pod will decide how and how often they would like to meet.

At the end of the programme you can claim a certificate and digital badge. We also invite you to take part in a questionnaire and focus group, which supports our further research into online learning.

How do I join?

You can register by filling in this form. Once the pods have been allocated, we’ll provide you with introductions. Each pod will have a nominated chair, who is responsible for arranging the first online meeting; you can volunteer to be a chair when you register. We will also have an Engagement Mentor, whose job it is to help you meet successfully and facilitate discussions.

Subscribe to the website to make sure you receive a notification when each blog post goes live.

Join an online Q&A event to learn more on Thursday 16 February 2-3pm.

For more information please email Laura.Christierhul.ac.uk