Aug 23 2022

If you are interested in joining the inSTIL programme, please read the overview including teaching requirements. You must have a min. of 2 seperate teaching sessions of at least approx. 1 hour each (in any term) in place in order to attend. 

Having read the overview info, if you still wish to join inSTIL, and have discussed/agreed the required teaching hours with the department concerned, you need to complete this  short form (approx. 5 mins; this info helps the course run smoothly; it is separate from the RH College Banner Form.)

The first intro day will be Thursday 15 September in person at Egham, followed by further options (see Form for details). 

If you are unsure if the programme is right for you, or you need to discuss the 'equivalency' of your teaching, please contact Fiona Prendergast for advice. You need to discuss any teaching hours directly with the department concerned - I have no influence over this and cannot give you any.

Please note: If you are continuing on inSTIL, there’s no need to attend another intro session (although feel free if you need a refresher if online; if on campus, space permitting); see moodle/news forum for programme updates/changes.