Sep 24 2021

The Community Research Hub aims to fulfil the research needs of charitable organisations by partnering them with students (usually postgraduate, though not exclusively) wishing to develop their skills and apply classroom learning to real-world scenarios. Students can help support charitable organisations in a variety ways - such as grant applications, surveys and analysis or report writing – so please encourage your contacts to think big and consider what it is they’d like to achieve if only they had more time, and perhaps we can help!

Community partners can submit their research proposal by completing this quick online form. There are two deadlines per year and the next one is Thursday 30 September - so time is short for this round!

Two weeks after the deadline there will be two 1-hour Living Library slots (either in-person on campus 13 Oct, and/or online on 14 Oct) which gives any interested students the opportunity to meet with organisations and discuss their research needs in greater depth. As these happen but twice a year, and all submissions will be considered however big or small, please encourage your contacts to complete the form if they could benefit from this service!

Find out more here.

Please submit your research proposal here.

 Any questions, please email: