Sep 28 2021

Dr.App is an app that covers everything from working with supervisors and preparing for the viva examination to coping with stress and mental health challenges, from research impact to networking skills. We have restructured 14 half hour videos (some can be found in the videos section of the RDP Moodle page) into short segments, grouped by theme and indexed for easy navigation. Launched during the global coronavirus crisis, Dr.App includes temporary content with practical advice about the impact of the pandemic on PhD projects. And we plan to add new content frequently. We have a limited number of licences. You can install Dr.App on your Android phone or tablet from or on your iPhone or iPad from  (Use these links as you might not find the app if you search for it in Google Play or the Apple App Store.) On the login screen, touch ‘Join Now’, choose Royal Holloway from the dropdown list and enter your rhul email address. You will receive an email with instructions to complete your login.