Aug 12 2021

Export control regulation is designed to restrict the export and communication of sensitive technology, goods or information, which might be used for purposes adverse to the best interests of the UK.

Export control applies to the transfer (by any means including electronic) of goods, technology and/or information from the UK to a destination outside the UK (which may not in itself appear hostile) and, under exceptional circumstances, to transfers within the UK when it is known that the ultimate end use is WMD related. “Transfer” can include being as part of an educational or research programme where the other party is outside the UK. The UK Strategic Export Control Lists form the basis of determining whether any products, software or technology that are intended for export are ‘controlled’ and therefore require an export licence. It is important to note that many items on the list, whilst ostensibly produced for benign/civil purposes, could be adapted for hostile use and are therefore subject to control (so called “Dual Use”).

With the expansion of international educational, research and commercial partnerships and remote teaching accentuated by COVID-19, the focus on this complex area is only likely to increase. As such, the Legal and Compliance team has prepared guidance on export control regulation and created a flow chart to assist in achieving compliance.

The College is committed to complying with export control regulation but as with many areas of the law and regulation compliance can only be achieved if all members of staff operating in an international context play their part. Indeed, it is important to understand that individuals as well as institutions can be held directly accountable for breaching the controls.

If you need any advice relating to export controls, please contact the Legal and Compliance team.