Aug 14 2020

Return to campus - a health and safety blog with Dougie Searle


13 August - Results Day

As those waiting for results find out today what the next few years will look like for them, we also find out a bit more about how our campus will look next year.

There are so many unknowns around a Covid-secure campus, what that really means, and what it will actually look like. Managing social distancing is hard to do when you aren’t entirely sure how many people you will have. So, from today, we will have a little more certainty in our planning and, as this comes together, we can share more details with you.

7 August – Where are we with return to campus?

This is the first of a series of short blogs on the health and safety aspects of a return to campus. It will cover both the development and background to some of the decisions that have been made across the College.

This week and next week the focus for us is re-opening a large academic buildings in each of the school. But what does this mean? Practically it means that the building will be under school/department control and it will allow some staff to come back to work on campus. We are still asking staff who can work at home to continue to do so, but we will now be able to offer office space for those who need it.

In terms of the work required, each building needs to be risk assessed by someone from within the school or department. We cannot do this centrally as you need to understand the building and how it is used to implement social distancing. This risk assessment will need to be updated but the intention is for it to consider how the flow of students to teaching spaces will work in September. We are considering the use of alternate entrances and exits and mini-one way systems to try and manage this.

Please keep checking here for further updates.