Jan 18 2021

On behalf of a PhD student at Cardiff University, please could you take a few minutes to complete this confidential survey.  This survey is to understand the ongoing impact the COVID-19 pandemic is having on PGR/PhD students across the UK. This survey will provide much needed information to show policymakers and higher education institutions the impact the pandemic has had on a particular cohort of students already prone to mental health difficulties and precarity. 

The survey aims to collect data on the experiences of PhD students, their work progress and disruption, the support they have received to date, and their satisfaction with this support. Several organisations, including DTPs, Doctoral Colleges, and student associations have shared this survey to ensure students can have their voices heard. We would very much appreciate if you would also be able to share it with your PGR/PhD student network. This will enable us to garner as diverse a sample as possible and help institutions understand how to support PGR/PhD students more effectively. 


On the survey link above there is a short introduction outlining the survey aims. We plan to make interim data publicly available in report form in the coming months.