Oct 08 2020

London Nineteenth-Century Studies Seminar Series

The LNCSS Grad Strand aim to provide events for postgraduates in nineteenth-century studies to connect and develop skills in an effort to combat the isolating experience of PhD research during the pandemic. We would like to let you know about our upcoming virtual events programme (see below).


  • Grad Strand Coffee Social - Thursday 5 November at 1pm

We invite all PGRs working on the nineteenth century to join us for an informal meet-up over Zoom. We’re particularly keen to provide a space for first-years to meet other Victorianists, given the difficulty of finding your PhD community with inperson events no longer possible. Familiar faces are also very welcome to come and catch up! Grab a coffee, and let’s chat about PhD life, your research, or anything else you’d like - there are rumours a puppy may also be attending…

  • Presentation Skills Workshop – Monday 23 November at 2pm

Our panel - Dr Bob Nicholson (Edge Hill), Dr Briony Wickes (Glasgow) and our very own Mollie Clarke (Roehampton) - discuss what makes an excellent conference presentation. Topics will include: adapting to virtual conferences, building confidence, standing out/ innovative practices, responding to questions, and their own (mostly positive!) experiences of giving presentations. There’ll also be time to quiz the panellists at the end. This workshop will be useful for those presenting at our January conference, but is open to all PGRs and ECRs who may benefit!


  • Graduate Conference – Saturday 16th January 2021

The CFP for our conference ‘Struggle, Upheaval, Transformation’ is now live! Deadline for abstract submissions is 27 November 2020. To sign up to any of our virtual events, or to submit a conference abstract, please email lncssgsgmail.com. Full details of all our events on our website: https://lncssgs.wordpress.com/