Jan 31 2022

We’re very pleased to announce we can fund 16 places to attend the Mindful Researcher 8 week  online course starting 3 March to 21 April 2022. The course uses weekly topics to guide you step-by-step towards a deeper and more engaged understanding of how mindfulness can contribute to success and well-being during your PhD. Please email Laura.Christierhul.ac.uk to apply deadline 5pm 9th February.


How often do we get lost in endless worry, engage in non-stop mental chatter about all the things we need to do, or stew in difficult feelings like fear and sadness? How did we all get so distracted?

The practise of mindfulness can be a powerful tool for PhD researchers to help settle unhelpful thoughts, build resilience and reduce anxiety and depression. The 8-week Mindful Researcher online course running from 3 March 2022 to 21 April 2022 will help you integrate mindfulness into your life so you can feel more confident in your research while reducing stress, anxiety, and difficult emotions.  

The course uses weekly topics to guide you step-by-step towards a deeper and more engaged understanding of how mindfulness can contribute to success and well-being during your PhD.

  • In weekly 90-minute live Zoom classes, you will learn about and explore key mindfulness tools and have time and space to reflect on mindfulness with other PhD students.
  • weekly recorded 30-minute knowledge lecture will introduce you to the theory and practical principles we will explore during the live course.
  • The detailed PDF manual provides informative, science-backed reading each week to help you contextualise the practical exercises and come to a deeper understanding.
  • The weekly recorded audio meditations provide the focus for your regular home meditation practise and help you integrate practical and applied learning.

The content explores mindfulness in the broader context of contemplative studies, drawing on mindfulness-based stress reduction, cognitive behavioural therapy, yoga philosophy and psychosynthesis. Live classes will be held on Thursdays via Zoom and will begin on 3 March 2022 for 8 consecutive weeks:

  • London: 19.30-21.00
  • New York: 14.30-16.00
  • Los Angeles: 11.30-13.00
  • Sydney: 6.30-8.00
  • Dubai: 23.30-1.00

Please note local time variations or changes due to daylight saving time.

In each session we explore into a particular element of mindfulness, giving you plenty of time to put new concepts into practise. Small, informal exercises will help you integrate mindfulness into your daily routine so that mindfulness becomes a new way of life and helps support you through your research. We will explore mindfulness in the broader context of life and the way we perceive things, gaining new insights and perspectives.

This course will be led by Dr Allan Kilner-Johnson, an academic, psychosynthesis coach, and mindfulness teacher who draws on an evidence-based psychospiritual toolkit that includes CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy), MBCT (mindfulness-based cognitive therapy), NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), hypnotherapy, yoga philosophy, Jungian psychoanalysis, and psychosynthesis. He is registered on the UK Mindfulness Teachers Register and adheres to the ethical regulations and code of conduct as a registered professional. 
Go to https://mindfulresearcher.teachable.com/p/the-mindful-researcher to find out more and see the full curriculum. You can contact Allan Kilner-Johnson at akilnerjohnson@gmail.com if you have any questions or would like to see if the course is right for you.