Dec 06 2021

Back in the summer, we ran a PGR study space survey to find out from you what you think are the most important elements of study space on campus and to get your opinion on the current study space provision.  As you can see from the diagramme below, the key message was that you want silent study space ring-fenced for PGRs which is accessible 24 hours a day.  

In some respects, the College is already providing this for you e.g. the Library has a dedicated PGR silent-study area on the second floor, near the Terrace, and some departments are able to provide PGR-specific study space within their Schools.  The responses to the survey highlighted however that some of you think that more should be done to provide PGRs with appropriate study space on campus.  To this end, the Doctoral School Committee has invited the Strategic Space Manager to its next meeting in February to discuss the results of the survey and to investigate what options there may be for addressing some of the concerns raised in the survey.

Thank you to all those of you who took the time to complete the survey.  Space is always at a premium on campus so finding additional space is never going to be easy but your responses to the survey will help us build a stronger case for addressing the study space needs of our PGR community.