Oct 23 2019

The PGR Student Survey is now live, and it's a great opportunity for you to speak about your experience as a postgraduate research student to let us know about what works, what needs changing and what we can do as a Students' Union to make it the best it can be.

And the best part? If you fill it in, you'll get a chance to win a £150 cash prize, along with other prizes like a Chilly's Bottle, a collection of Vintage Minis books, a Fitness Tracker and a Polaroid Snap Instant Camera

Why should you fill in the survey? 

Recently, we completed a briefing document and circulated it amongst all PGR students on campus, we had some face-to-face interactions and discussions and we also elected students into our PGR Student Collective.

We now have a clearer idea of what the experience is like at Royal Holloway for our postgraduate research students, but we want to make sure that we aren’t missing anything (or anyone) out!

What's in it for you?

Apart from all the great prizes up for grabs, the survey gives you the chance to tell us about your experience here at Royal Holloway in a variety of areas – the more that we know, the more that we can do to support you.

What is the survey?

The survey is split into various categories ranging from supervisor relations, training offered, pastoral care and everything in-between. There are only 15 substantive questions, so it shouldn’t take too long to complete – there really aren’t any downsides!

What happens after the survey closes? 

Once the survey is closed, we will have some time to bring together all of the responses and analyse them alongside all of the other data and research that we have collated to produce a report on the current experience. Once this has been completed, we will be able to consult with the newly formed PGR Student Collective, and this is when the drafting of the final report begins.

We will also announce the winners of the prizes after the survey closes. 

The end goal is for a Student Voice Report on the PGR Student Experience. This will include the briefing document that we have already published, it will then detail the current situation at Royal Holloway before clearly outlining recommendations to improve this experience.

The survey closes on Friday 1 November, so don't miss your chance to have a say and win some great prizes!