Oct 04 2022

We are collaborating with Semantica Research who have a PhD Executive Leadership course for up to 30 of our later stage Doctoral Researchers. They provide in-person and online career development leadership programmes that emphasise the developing practical skills that can be applied to a real word shifting career landscape. All the instructors are industry and academic professionals who have had successful careers within their respective fields and know the requirements to successfully develop as a deep subject matter expert in the workplace.

The PhD Leadership programme has a learning platform for professionals with a doctoral background who want to maximise careers.

You can participate through their career development workshops, P2P connections, self-paced digital career resources and on-demand resources. There are job search resources, regular employer engagement and networking events, and individual coaching plans. Guest lectures are led by former PhD students who have successfully transitioned to the workplace. There are core modules including workshops on networking, CV creation with recruiter feedback, the deep subject matter expert role, the first 100 days in a role and workplace transition, with electives such as influence and relationships, leadership, time management, performance and promotions, freelancing, and the PhD competitive advantage.

To apply please fill in the application form. Later stage PhD researchers are prioritised (3rd and 4th year or part time equivalent). You must commit to the course and engage with the courses, coaching and materials. You have access to the course for two years even after you have graduated from Royal Holloway before the two years expires. Application deadline 18 October and no late submissions.