Feb 12 2020

On behalf of a Postgraduate Researcher, do you have a few minutes to complete this survey. The survey is on 'Public Experience of Developer-Funded Archaeology' and is part of their research.

This is a survey about your experiences of developer-funded archaeology. UK Planning Policy requires developers to fund archaeological work/excavation on sites they plan to develop. This is called developer-funded archaeology and is undertaken by commercial archaeologists. 

This survey should take around ten to fifteen minutes to complete. This survey is targeted at everyone, regardless of whether you have engaged with a developer-funded archaeology site or not.

The answers you provide will be used as data for a PhD research project on public engagement with developer-funded archaeology. Findings will be used to provide suggestions for improvement in public engagement with developer-funded archaeology. Expected outputs from this survey include an 80,000 word research project to be assessed as part of a Doctoral Degree in the Classics Department at Royal Holloway, University of London, conferences and other publications. I am funded by Royal Holloway, University of London. You have the option to retain anonymity or to provide contact details if you are happy to be contacted further about your responses. You can skip any question.

Data Protection Notice - The information you provide will be used for research purposes and your personal data will be processed in accordance with current data protection legislation and the University's notification lodged at the Information Commissioner's Office. Your personal data will be treated in the strictest confidence and will not be disclosed to any unauthorised third parties. Data from this survey will be stored for a maximum of five years. The results of the research will be published in anonymised form.